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How to livestream your wedding for the guest’s who can’t attend

How to livestream your wedding for the guest’s who can’t attend

Live streaming/Webcasting weddings used to happen commonly earlier as in rise of COVID pandemic, social distancing and restrictions on mass gathering started happening and forced many couples to postpone their weddings. The idea and use of live streaming weddings became widely popular within all these to avoid mass gathering and further risk.

Live streaming/Webcasting of weddings can be done in various ways –with the help of professional photographers and videographers or with the help of your friends/family.

From equipment’s to everything you need to know before Live streaming/ Web-casting weddings :

Formats for wedding live-streaming :

You can live—stream weddings through various social media platforms either privately or publically according to your preference, 

you can choose from :

  • You can broadcast your wedding, where all your guests can watch your wedding without really participating in it. 
  • You can keep it interactive for few of your guests, as audible or as visible.
  • You can also record your entire wedding live-streaming video + audio with comments for later.

DIV platforms perfect for live-streaming a wedding :

YouTube Live, Facebook Live,  Instagram Live, Zoom, Skype, Amazon Twitch, Twitter Periscope, FaceTime etc. are several options available for free when it comes to picking up one for a wedding. 
There are other paid apps available to live-stream a wedding like DaCast,Vimeo live-stream etc.

Invite guests by sending E-Invitations to attend the wedding :
Send your weddings live-stream invites to each of your family members and friends with all the details in it who can’t attend. It’s always better to send E-Invitations with accurate details in it to avoid any last minute confusion. 
If you are using paid professional apps or password protected services then remember to resend the link a day before the wedding. 

Try to make it interactive during Live-stream :

Simply just by unmuting your audience will allow them to digitally engage and participate in the festivities, and this will also help your audience to not get bored and your bandwidth support. Also you can allow your participants to give their blessings and views on wedding by commenting during the event.

Make good use of technology to make your special moments memorable and happier, while DIY seems to be very cheap and easy when talking about live-streaming, but it’s also not that simple as pressing a button and everything starts working itself. You need to take care of network, camera, lighting, angles, recording and coverage to function live-streaming perfectly.